Monday, June 29, 2015

Movie #11: Catholic Ghoulgirls

Sister Act 3:  Hell on Earth

Plot: Three Catholic school girls fight their way through  zombie infested suburban West Virginia. On the other side of town, four friends talk about 80s cartoons and slay the undead using golf clubs and gasoline barrels. Not really sure how the outbreak started, but who really cares. We came for the ghoulgirls right!? Well here they are:

Redeeming Qualities:

Humor. This movie made me chuckle a few times. Mostly with an extended conversation about a childhood cartoon.

Length. Only 60 minutes. Perfect for a zombie movie.

All the black people live. That rarely happens in a horror movie. The only exceptions I can remember are "Jeepers Creepers 2" and "Night of the Demons".

That childhood cartoon was G.I. Joe by the way. I think I could actually hold a conversation with anyone about the awesomeness of that show. ( Me talking for a half hour straight about how much cooler Stormshadow is to Snake Eyes while you just sit there and smile and nod and think in your head about how invested this 34 year old boy is into a ninja that wears  white pajamas) 

Intergalactic planetary, planetary intergalactic

Death Count: 9

Best kills:

Fire barrel roll ala Donkey Kong

Honda Accord genocide

Back alley stretch ( four zombies each grabbed a limb)

5 iron meet skull

Boob Count: 4

Penis Count: 0

Before I get on to my usual format, I would like to thank everyone who reads these silly little reviews. It's very inspiring when people enjoy your work and tell you that they do. So 11 movies in and 189 more. Piece. Of. Cake.

Watch if you like: 

NRA nuns
Boone's Farm
Karate kicking hipsters
Rod Serling impressions
Of Mice and Men (screenplay by George Romero)

Dammit Lennie, what did I tell you already.......

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